Sunday, June 17, 2012

Day 3

We woke up and had a delicious traditional Swiss breakfast at our hotel. There were croissants, Swiss cereal, weird hard-boiled eggs with red and yellow speckled shells, and "The best cheese in the world!," said my brother, the food critic. It was amazing! We walked around the streets of Zurich for an hour or so, until we found a viewpoint on a hill over looking Zurich. It was beautiful! 

Somehow, we stumbled across a playground with weird Swiss equipment. Traveling in foreign countries is really fun, but it can be scary too, like our experience in the bathroom at Zurich's 64th playground (for some reason the playgrounds are numbered there!). Imagine a completely metal bathroom with a big huge bowl for the toilet and a black metallic seat with metal bars connecting it to the walls which you can push up and down.  Imagine all the walls covered with weird buttons with signs and symbols on them, such as a button inscribed with a picture of a needle, a button with a hair-dryer,and even a button with a picture of a shower! I wasn’t sure how to flush it becase none of the buttons looked right except for maybe the shower one and I didn’t want to take chances. So I opened the door and at the moment I opened it there was this HUGE, loud sound and water came flooding into the giant bowl and the black seat suddenly swung up and almost hit me in the head. It was the craziest bathroom ever! 

 After that we went back to our hotel to leave for the train to Lucerne. We arrived in Lucerne and quickly found our hotel, Mr Pickwick, a weird British pub and hotel (one that mom and dad happened to stay in 20 years ago when they visited Lucerne!). You checked in at the bar instead of in a lobby!  While we were checking in Dylan and I got to play darts -- I was actually really good at it!  After resting, we ate lunch and walked across the famous Chapel Bridge, which was built 700 years ago.  It is a covered wooden bridge with beautiful paintings transcribing life in Lucerne from hundreds of years ago. We explored for a while more and then we got tired and went home to rest a bit. Later we had dinner at the Italian restaurant right by the river – I had pizza and spaghetti. It was delicious! It was another great day.

Yellow speckled egg:

 We saw these pigeons drinking water from this fountain -- some even formed a line to wait for their turn!

 This was the view from our hotel room window in Lucerne:
 This was also the view from our hotel room window -- we could see the famous covered bridge and Mt. Pilatus:
 Another view from the hotel:
In front of the covered bridge:

 Lucerne at sunset:


  1. This blog is awesome! Keep up the commentary! I love hearing about the eggs and the best cheese in the world and the weird bathrooms! Careful with those darts, though! Hi to mom & dad, too. ashby.

  2. By the way, I'm not anonymous, I'm Ashby. I just couldn't figure out how to log in so my name appeared at the top! (Still) ashby.

  3. I'm SO glad that you didn't press the shower button, lol! I love the picture of you guys and your mom peeking out from your hotel room - so cool!
