Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 1 and Day 2

The reason I'm putting day 1 and 2 in the same post is that the two days seemed so blurred together, they seemed like the same day. DAY 1: At 11:00 A.M. on Wednesday, my awesome babysitter, Miss Mary, dropped us off at the Tallahassee Airport. Soon we got on our flight to Atlanta, Georgia. At 4:40, we got on our flight to Zurich, Switzerland.It was NINE HOURS LONG! One thing you should know: the time difference between the U.S.A. and Switzerland is about six hours! The airplane had movie screens every few seats (AWESOME)! First Journey 2:The Mysterious Island played, and then We Bought a Zoo. At about 7:00 P.M. (U.S.A. time), we were served dinner. It was actually quite good. Sometime around there (I don't remember when) I fell asleep until 10:00 P.M.(Also U.S. time), and I couldn't fall back asleep. So, I got three hours of sleep. DAY 2: At 5:00 A.M. (Switzerland time) or 11:00 P.M.(U.S. time) , we were served breakfast. I didn't eat much. This meal was not as great as dinner. At 7:00 A.M., or 2:00 A.M., we landed in Switzerland! Coolest landing EVER! There was a huge sea of clouds as we landed. There were so many clouds you couldn't see the ground! (And I mean that literally!)And we could see the alps in the distance! It was just WOW. Our hotel room at Hotel Hirschen, the oldest hotel in Zurich, wouldn't be ready for a few hours. So we did the natural thing: explored, and tried to find breakfast. After we explored for an hour, we got breakfast at an amazing Swiss cafe. My brother (Dylan) and I split a croissant and a brioche. My favorite part was the amazing hot chocolate. It was my favorite EVER! Afterwards we went to our hotel room and relaxed for a bit. Dylan liked watching his favorite shows in German. Later, we explored some more, and went inside the two main churches: Grossmunster (Gross-monster) and Fraumunster (Frow-monster), They were beautiful! Then we went on an amazing boat ride around Lake Zurich (very original name, huh?)for an hour and a half. Switzerland's also know for it's chocolate, so we got some. BEST CHOCOLATE IN THE WORLD! We explored a bit more, then went to a great art museum, the Kunsthaus (Koons-hows). It means "Art House". Then we ate dinner, and came back to our hotel. It was a great, very long, very fun first day!


  1. Wow! About the chocolate - how would you describe the contrast? Is it smoother, sweeter, melts better? Is it mostly milk chocolate or dark chocolate, or all sorts of variety?

    1. For question #1, all of the above. For #2, all sorts of variety, especially the fancy kinds. Unfortunately, most fancy types have hazelnuts. It sort of stinks at times. Oh well!

  2. Sounds like a wonderful first/second day in Switzerland. You describe everything so well! We are so glad you are keeping this blog and we can follow your adventures. We can't wait to see you all in Florence in July. Have fun and keep writing! Love, Aunt Laura
